Can AI really help without making you feel cookie-cutter? The short answer is YES but there is a small caveat – you have to prep your AI tool and tweak everything it gives you. It can feel a little intimidating to let an AI tool like ChatGPT, Claude, or Jasper into your creative process when […]

business tools

How I Use ChatGPT (and Tweak It) While Keeping My Business Authentic

AI – just hearing that term might make you think of robots taking over the world. I get it! When ChatGPT popped up, I had a lot of hesitation and what-ifs. But now it’s like having a second, non-ADHD brain to help me sort through all my wild ideas. It’s actually a huge asset to […]

business tools

5 Myths About Using AI in Business (And How to Use It Authentically)

We don’t all have the same hours in a day. Sure, we all have 24 hours, but how we fill that time? Completely different for every single person. There are so many varying opinions about how to balance parenthood and entrepreneurship but the thing is, “balance” is quite subjective. You have to decide what balance […]

solopreneur life

The Juggling Act: Balancing Parenthood and Solopreneurship

If you’ve been associating “productivity” with “busy”, you aren’t alone but I’m gonna tell ya that it’s time we reframe that.  Some days, your productivity is going to look like getting a lot of work accomplished or getting a lot of housework accomplished or spending a lot of quality time with your kids or reading […]


The Art of Micro-Moments for Intentional Productivity

“You gotta get visible!” “Just put yourself out there!” “Time to get outta your comfort zone!” File these under things I’d love to never hear again. I know people mean well when they say them but they are not helpful pieces of advice at all. As an introvert, you probably shut down when you hear […]


Redefining Marketing for Introverts

In today’s world, there is a lot of pressure to move quickly. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us how to make money faster, make more money, get clients faster, be more productive, and get results, like, yesterday. In many cases, this can lead to solopreneurs adopting a fast marketing approach in an attempt […]


Slow Marketing versus Fast Marketing for Solopreneurs

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